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roger fabrocini
21 articles

AirFix 1:72 Bf109 e-4

October 19, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 16 · 4.2K

AirFix's new tool kits are getting better and better, though they still need a little work to get them up to current standards. panel lines are not too deep and fit is excellent. i am no judge on shape issues. i've built the ICM e-3 109 and there is a BIG difference in the cowling.

Detail is another matter. i replaced the interior with an Aires cockpit, typical Aires fit, challenging. cowling Mg17s replaced with QuickBoost resin as was the exhaust. i "stole" the prop, spinner, antenna mast and pitot tube from a ICM kit. Eduard P.E. helped detail the exterior, especially the wheel wells. BarracudaCast main wheels replaced the pitiful kit parts. I cut and dropped the leading edge slats, repositioned the horizontal stabilizers, added the splitter plate to the chin intake and aileron trim tabs.

paint is mr. color rlm 65/02/71. i used the kit markings for Oberleutnant Franz von Werra's II./JG3 109, August, 1940.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. Excellent job, sir...especially for THAT build. I've seen much larger scales not as well done (mine leap to mind). You must have the eyes of a hawk and the hands of a surgeon. Again...very nice.

  2. Outstanding work, Roger ! I don't care how good the kit is, you certainly brought out the best in it. And in 1/72...WOW !

  3. Another boringly-excellent Fabrocini project. 🙂

    (Actually it's hard to do what guys like Roger and Maxim and Tolga do - to create to a standard quality level)

  4. Yeah that's pretty damn good.

  5. I see a subtle hand at work on the finish. Hard not to overdue it in 1/72.
    Well done.

  6. Do not believe it! I do not believe that the 72nd! As a minimum the 48th)))

  7. The model is gorgeous!

  8. I would put that up against any thing in any scale. Fabulous work!

  9. That's a beauty! Looks as good as it gets. Your Zvezda Fw 190 was great, but this one looks even better...

  10. What else is there to say, Roger, incredible, especially in that scale.

  11. Roger, the scale weathering is done to a Goldie Locks standard. Nothing over stated and looking appropriate enough to give the illusion or the suspension of disbelief in that were looking at plastic.

    A real treat along with the Hellcat that was posted.

    Two thumbs up.

  12. Wow...1:72 scale and it looks like the real deal... AWSOME!

  13. Roger,
    Absolutely beautiful. Nothing more I can say

  14. Not much to add here, that is a stunning build in all respects - especially considering the scale.

  15. Excellent! Especially for this scale.

  16. Lovely model! I really liked the paint job and the weathering.

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