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Frank Cronin
80 articles

Global Hawk and Predator, 1/48 scale

October 28, 2013 · in Aviation · · 7 · 3.5K

All of the models pictured here are scale. It give some idea of the size of these drones. It is interesting to see the size of each drone compared to the AD which is a large aircraft. The is from Models and the Global Hawk is from Skunk Models. Both are made OOB and went together very well. They are interesting airplanes and I enjoyed building them.

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7 responses

  1. Wow...that Global Hawk in 48th scale must have to be hung from the ceilin', huh?

  2. Nice to see the whole "family" on one page as it were.
    Nice job, someday i'm going to pick up global hawk too.

  3. Hey Frank, Good stuff as usual-the GH sure makes the AD look small!

  4. Hope you didn't mess up that nice looking workshop, building these, Frank. These came out really nice. I had no idea they were so big. Another excuse for me not to build one.

  5. Nice build, good to see a different type of aircraft in 1:48.

  6. These are weird looking things, Frank, and surprisingly big. Whenever I hear about them on the news I always imagine them to be quite small, wrong again! You've made a very neat job of them, and as Mike, it's good something different once in a while.

  7. tha's nice frank

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