The Bronco Database at iModeler

35 articles
  • Items tagged with Bronco
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  • Last addition 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Bronco model kits

Head-to-Head Broncos, Academy & ICM

I tried another head-to-head comparison build of a vintage and a recent new tool kit; this time 1/72 scale OV-10A kits. I built the venerable Academy kit originally issued in 1999 and the 2023 ICM kit. The OV-10 is a distinctive iconic [...]

Invasion Stripes: Airspeed AS.51 Horsa, Bronco Models 1/35 – 'Churchill's Reply', Operation Mallard, Normandy 1944.

Historically Hengist and Horsa were Germanic brothers said to have led the Angles, Saxons and Jutes in their supposed invasion of Britain in the 5th century. In 1944 the ‘first boots on the ground’ on D-Day at 00:11 were carried by [...]

1/72 ICM OV-10D

This is my IPMS review of the ICM 1/72 OV-10D Gulf War version. This was a nice build but you can read my particulars at the IPMS USA Review: (link) IT is nicely detailed but has few things to watch out for; nose weight to avoid tail [...]

BRONCO 1/35 A-34 Comet Tank

My 1/35 Bronco A-34 Comet type B tank (late version). Completed this on the 4th December 2023. All done oob with the exception of the mantle cover. This is made from tissue paper (photo included to show it), painted with watered down white [...]

Video: 1/48 ICM NAVY Bronco OV-10A (Video review)

Excellent kit from ICM, now is avaiable in 72nd scale! 100% New tool. Superb surface details, great interior and decals and much more... Video review. DISCLAIMER: I am NOT! being paid to promote this kit and to make this video! [...]

Video: ICM OV-10A Bronco 1/48 Scale Model Aircraft Build 4K Re-mastered Video

Bronco 1/35 Pz.Kpfw.II Ausf.D

Since returning to this hobby in 2020, I decided to focus on WW2 armour in 1/35. My first purchase happened to be this Bronco Pz.II Ausf.D and a HobbyBoss Pz.I Ausf.A. I was thinking of building some german tanks in a somewhat [...]

Cuban Comet A34 1/35

Greetings to all forum members. In the last few weeks I was able to finish several kits I had under construction. This one I want to show you now is one of them. It is the Bronco A34 Comet tank, 1/35 scale. The kit has a correct [...]

Video: Building The ICM OV-10A Bronco Scale Model Aircraft

Review: ICM 1/48 OV-10A Bronco review