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Csóri László
3 articles

Missile launch somewhere in the Soviet Union...

April 15, 2014 · in Armor · · 13 · 2.4K

Trumpeter Russian SAM
My first ...

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. That is a really cool diorama! I love the weathering and its very dynamic - great work!

  2. love it the smoke the water the trees all great what did use for the trees and water?

  3. yes great work !
    is it the trumpeter 1/35 kit ?

  4. Very nicely done and photographed. I like it a lot!

  5. Great diorama there, love the feel of it.
    Well done sir.

  6. Great diorama, it all looks very well done the trees look fantastic
    Great build

  7. Looks just right, Csori, and a good job with that Trumpeter kit.

  8. Csori,
    Very nice.

  9. Nice, clean, unusual build.

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