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Matija Skobe
34 articles


April 23, 2014 · in Armor · · 8 · 4.6K

hello everyone, i would like to share this with you, and to add some what if/ sci fi models to the site.
this would be my idea of what would happen with alternative ww2 ending, with new jumps in technology

the model was done in august 2013 and you can view the work in progress here:

camo is Dunkelgelb with digital patterns of Rotbraun and green which supposed to be Olivgrün but friend gave me wrong color.

hope you like it

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5  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Like it! Kinda WW2 Transformers!

  2. Nice.

    I wish someone would produce kits of the Espheni mechs from "Falling Skies".

  3. Great imagination there, nicely built as well Matija.

  4. Rather different mate but also rather cool! I like things like this! Fantastic attention to detail also. The weathering around the rivets and panels is superb, extremely realistic. I like the digital touch to the cammo. Very cool concept in all.

  5. nice execution! well done!

  6. Marina,
    Well done. I looked at your in progress note and you have a vivid imagination.

  7. that's pretty darn cool

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