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Ulf Lundberg
73 articles

Tamiyas USS Fletcher in 1:350

February 15, 2015 · in Ships · · 11 · 4.8K

The was the name ship of a class of 175 ships. It was the largest destroyer class ever built and they were considered to be a very successful design.
They served in the US Navy during the WW2 and the Korean War. A number of them were sold to other navies during the fifties. Several of them served into the seventies and the BAM Cuitlahuac (ex USS John Rodgers) of the Mexican Navy served until 2001.

Although Tamiyas kit is a bit old by now, it's still a good kit. One nice thing about it is that the hull is in one piece. Although its level of detail can't match recent issues from , Dragon and Hasegawa, it's still as good as some recent Trumpeter kits. The fit is very good and in general it's an easy build. A good ship model to start with, if you are new to ship modelling.

The build was straightforward enough. As usual I scratch built the mast and added thwarts to the whale boats. For further detailing I used Gold Medal Models excellent PE set. The set allows you to build the Fletcher in early, middle or late war configuration. I chose the early war configuration, since I like the Measure 12 camouflage.
Tamiya made cutting the masking the camouflage a lot simpler, by providing a painting plan in 1:350.

I finished my USS Fletcher in January 2009

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Another interesting build (and history), Ulf. Great detailing as usual.

  2. Lovely work Ulf, superb detailing as Rob said.

  3. Love that camouflage!
    Whenever I think about destroyers, this is what comes to mind.

  4. Super build! If you compare your model with Revell's 1960's issue "USS THE SULLIVANS" it's light years ahead, even though you mentioned the Tamiya kit is "a bit old". I'm guessing you air brushed the measure 12 camo, it looks great.

  5. Outstanding as is the norm, Ulf... you must have an enormous display area.

  6. I always enjoy seeing your postings, Ulf, interesting write-ups and great models.

  7. Fine looking warship!

  8. Another stunner! The camo is fantastic.

  9. Stunning build, Ulf. The detail work and your masking job is really amazing

  10. Ulf,
    Absolutely gorgeous.

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