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How to paint figure faces easily with an airbrush – video tutorial

October 24, 2012 · in Armor · 5 · 1.3K

Tutorial on how to paint a face with an airbrush, using Warhammer figures as examples. Great effect in 2 minutes!

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5 responses

  1. I can't see this video! some problem with link?

  2. Hmm. I can watch it on my end….
    This is a plain YouTube video. It could be you sitting behind a proxy, or something with your browser viewing inline videos. (?

  3. Hi, I enjoyed the video, it is amazing all the cross production that occurs. I could find no other way to communicate with you than through here. I applied to the site and never recieved an activation email. I am interested in joining the site and have tried to apply again, but it says my email is already being used. It will not let me log in though because I have not activated my account. I hope that you would resend the activation email to my email or if you for some reason do not wish me to be a part of the site then let me know that also at the same email address listed above. Thanks much, Walt

  4. This is the first time I've ever seen a figure that size done with an airbrush.Great technique,I can't wiat to try it out. Thanks for the lesson.

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