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Daniel Iscold
3 articles

SBD-4 Dauntless Hasegawa 1/48

January 13, 2014 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.6K

The model has been blamed to have a lower quality than the Dauntless series produced by Accurate Miniatures. The last one are still avaiable under the Italeri and Academy brands.

With all the issues about the accuracy and the lack of interior details the Hasegawa model is still a good choice, specially those later re- releases that bring a PE Bonus to improve a remarkable characteristic of this airplane, the diving brakes, . The overall fiting is quite good and follows the standard produced by Hasegawa in other models.

In my model I used resin side walls produced by Hightech and PE´s by Eduard. It is impossible to use the clear parts in the open position. With a carefull triming of the clear parts and a dryfiting process it is possible to achieve good results with the fitting in the closed positon with minimal correction with epoxi filler.

For the green house canopy I used pre cuted mask by Eduard.
The national insignias are painted using homemade pre cut masks. The weathering was made using pre and post shading techniques, artist oil paints and dry chalk pastels.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. A nice job nonetheless, the weathering.

  2. Nice clean(sort of clean) build. Great "wear and tear" effort on the air frame, nice weathering!

  3. great job...detail jumps right out and grabs you

  4. Despite all the issues (which I cannot see), your Dauntless certainly looks the part. The weathering job is outstanding.

  5. Thank you all for the positive feed back. Seamus I´m refer to the descrition made at detail & scale book. If you want I can send you later this. As I told at HS forum, these "issues" don´t make me stop to build it and have fun above all.

  6. very nice looking model - i love the weathering!

  7. Very, very nice indeed. Thanks for sharing and welcome to iModeler! Hope to see more of your work soon

  8. Very nice build, good attention to detail, and excellent finish and weathering.

  9. Greta build there Daniel, as the comments above.
    Well done sir.

  10. Daniel,
    This looks great. Excellent build.

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