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Marko Rouvinen
2 articles

Japanese 4×4 Light Vehicle Type 95 Kurogane

November 14, 2012 · in Armor · · 8 · 3.2K

Tamiya 1:48
The model is a typical , just to build. It is missing some details, but there are certainly photoets to detail with if you want.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Marko, I like it! You were obviously true the other day when you told me and Ulrika that you do build 🙂

  2. It looks like a cartoon car, something from Roger Rabbit..

    Lovely build.


  3. There is more to come... 😉

  4. I do beleive the kurogane was the car used in "noddy" cartoons?
    I have the Hasegawa kit- hope I can do as good a job as you have!

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