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Brett Peacock
12 articles

The First Photo Jet

November 28, 2012 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.2K

This is the Messerschmitt Me262 Recon variant, built OOB and painted with Modelmaster and Xtracolor enamels. The decals are from another Ventura sheet, with both ME262's recon & captured options. This machine served in Northern Italy in 1945

The kit was a bit of a struggle, but this was before Tamiya released their own kit. I found that if you take your time and reinforce the wing to fuselage join at the rear fuselage, it does actually build up OK. The trick is to double check and reinforce any discrepancy.

And LOTS of filler...

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7 responses

  1. Brett, always good to see a nicely built and painted Me 262 🙂 Interesting pattern on the fuselage and engines by the way.
    Sad to hear about the amount of filler needed. I have a nice stash of Trimaster/Dragon Me 262 but I have only built the Tamiya model so far.


  2. That's a nice looking Me 262.

  3. Thanks for the comments. I know a LOT of the kits for the recon variant show the uppers & sides all in wave mirror style, but the ONLY photo I found of a recon variant clearly showed the standard splinter (82/83) on the upper wings with the wave mirror pattern on the fuselage, so that's how i did mine.
    I think it looks better, too.

  4. Hi Brett. Good looking 262. I have the U3 version but have not built it yet due to the negative comments I have heard about the kit. What were the main bones of contention for you?

  5. Excellent work on a kit I know personally is "a bit less."

  6. Bones...
    The Fit of the lower wing to fuselage (both ends, but the rear underside was worst.
    The fit of the engine nacelles to wings. Other than that it went together pretty least as well as vintage Dragon ever did -(think their Fw190's)
    But the recent Dragon/CyberHobby? (eg; their Bf110's in 1/32 and 1/48) They are a DREAM to build. - I Think Tamiya will be in for a shock soon.
    Their 1/32 109E is great, but the PE is REALLY, really fiddly.
    HTH Brett

  7. Nice model and an interesting finish on these recon 262's. I am in the proces of finishing up my first Dragon 262 and have to say despite its fearsome reputation it went together a dream.
    I see comments above about the wing-fuselage joint but found by fitting the lower wing first and bending the upper wing better to the curve on the fuselage that I have no filler in that joint. I did have to fill the leading edge out to the nacelle but a bit of Evergreen and you are good to go.

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