Wingnut Wings 1:32 Albatros DV.a

November 27, 2012 · in Aviation · · 5 · 10.2K

This is my first WWI model in 1:32 scale. The kit is superb, however I added some scratch built on the engine. Rigging was made of monofilament thread and scratch made turnbuckles.
Painted with Gunze acrylics and weathered with oils. The wood grain was made with a flat brush and oils. The base was not finished yet as you can see in the photographs.
Best regards.


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16  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. You guys that do bi-planes with all those struts and rigging (not to mention anything with a lozenge paint scheme)...I dunno how ya do it. I'd lose what's left of my mind if I tried one of those. This is a have a talent, sir.

  2. That is a real beauty. Wonderful wood effect for the fuselage.

  3. I find the painting of this model most impressive, especially the wings with rib tape effect and the wood. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing

  4. Fantastic. The wood effect is perfect, just like the weathering.

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