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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

WNW 1/32 D.H.9A “Ninak”

November 27, 2012 · in Aviation · · 1.2K

I always wanted a model of this airplane, especially after seeing John Alcorn's incredible scratchbuilt Ninak in person. A big brutal British 2-seater. The model also commemorates the beginnings of Marine Corps aviation. The Northern Bombing Group was only in action about 7 weeks before the armistice, but there were two Medals of Honor and 20 Navy Crosses awarded (most in lieu of what would later be the DFC, an award that didn't exist at the time) to the crews. One of the more amazing feats was the aerial rescue of a French regiment cut off by the enemy near Stadenburg. Marine Corps pilots successfully dropped 2,600 pounds of food to them in the face of heavy fire from artillery, machine guns, and rifles over the course of two days. Three pilots were killed or died of wounds received in action, two of them being shot down over the enemy's lines. Future Marine Corps aviation legend and Second World War battlefield commander Captain Roy S. Geiger was one of the pilots awarded the Navy Cross in this action. Today, Marine Attack Squadron 231 is considered their direct lineal descendant.

As with all the other WNW kits, follow the instructions and get a great model. This has a simplified rigging compared with other British airplanes.

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