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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

1/32 Spitfire on floats

December 5, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2.6K

This is the Greymatter conversion to do the Spitfire Vb on floats, using the kit. It definitely looks like a Schneider Cup racer.

Interestingly, the three prototypes were sent to Middle East for trials, and at one point there was a plan to base them secretly in the Dodocanese islands, to attack enemy shipping. However, JG 27 arrived in the area, that was too many 109s for three floatplanes to deal with.

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9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Just curious, TC...all your pics seem to have a "diffused" appearance to them. Is this something intentional or are they somewhat older photos, perhaps scanned from a non-digital camera..? Not a complaint or a 'knock', merely an observation.

  2. It comes from the fact I do not have the best place in the world to photograph models, and should probably have a macro fitting to the camera.

  3. This is what would have been the Supermarine S.7!

  4. Would it be called a Floatfire?

    Sorry Tom. It's a beautiful build of a beautiful plane!

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