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John Healy
162 articles

1/48 F-4J

December 30, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2.1K

This is an kit that I mproved with some parts from the spares box and scratchbuilt. These old Esci Phantoms build well, have recessed panel lines, and are pretty accurate in shape. They lack details in the cockpit and afterburner areas. I used Humbrol enamels and Eaglestrike decals.

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4 responses

  1. Clean, crisp work, John...nice build.

  2. Very nice Phantom. Never knew the F-4J carried low-viz schemes but it just shows how little I know about the Phantom.
    Having built an Esci F-4E many years ago I agree with your observations regarding the weak areas of those kits.

    • Thanks! The scheme is overall gloss gull gray. It started appearing in 1978. They simply eliminated the white. This particular Phantom is painted to represent one of VMFA-115's a/c from the squadron's 1980/81 cruise aboard USS Forrestal.

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