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1/48 Tamiya A6M3 Type 32

December 24, 2012 · in Aviation · · 6 · 3.1K

This kit is certainly showing it's age as the detail is very limited and its very basic when compared with today's releases from or Hasegawa. The engine is only half molded, and the kit is an odd mix of raised (which I rescribed) and recessed panel lines, the fit of canopy isn't great and the cockpit detail is very sparse and flat, the flaps are not poseable. I detailed the cockpit with a zoom set from Eduard and added some basic detail to machine guns in the cockpit area. However this was the first kit I built after a nearly 15 year absence from the hobby and it like my skills back then are both showing their age. I think I might strip the paint off it and give it another "go"

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6 responses

  1. Keith... I think it looks just fine the way it is. You should keep it as a bench mark to remind yourself how much your skills have improved.

  2. I agree with Jack...leave it - it looks fine to me as well. I understand that "new" Tamiya 48th Zero is quite an improvement. You should keep this one in the 'original' form for comparison.

  3. I agree with Jack and Craig - nice model.

  4. Yes, keep it as a bench mark for further progress.

  5. I think it's actually an A6M3 Type 32! Perhaps you got one of Tamiya's extremely rare cross-boxings. Having built many from this series I can appreciate the work you've done with this one! I'd also a vote that you leave it the way it is for awhile, you can always strip off the decals and repaint it someday if it still beckons. Onward and upward!

    • Erik,
      You are right and I never even realized it till now! The kit was bought at a flea market, no instructions but it was in the A6M2 box and I never noticed the clipped wings until now. I don't think it was Tamiya but rather the original owner who mixed things up. Sharp eye my friend and thanks!

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