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1/48th ProModeler by Revell-Monogram Bf-110G-4

December 2, 2012 · in Aviation · · 5 · 2.7K

I thought since I posted pictures of my Cyber Hobby Bf-110 that it my be interesting to also post pictures of my Revell-Monogram Bf-110G-4. I built this one a while back and have to say I really enjoyed the kit. I thought the detail in the kit was very nice, but you know how it is some times, you get bitten by the resin bug, so I opted to go the full resin upgrade from Aires. I have found that Aires resin is some of the most beautiful resin, full and rich with detail. Then you have to find a way to make it fit. I have yet to use a resin up date by them that fits. So now I avoid them.

That said I had fun and was excited to try and accomplish the camouflage which was supposed to be RLM 76 oversprayed on a regular day fighter scheme, as this bird was a conversion.

When I was finally done I was pleased with the end result but would do it differently if I did it again. This with my other look good in my case. Some day I hope to add the Eduard kit and have a nice trio. If I had only kept the Fujimi Bf-110 I built when I was high school.

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6  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Walt... Awesome model and beautiful presentation.

  2. A triumph of talent and skill over resin! Excellent work and like Jack says, great presentation.

  3. Very nice work. The resin wrestling paid off.

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    Ed said on March 8, 2020

    Great dio, well done ?

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