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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Another 1/32 SPAD

December 18, 2012 · in Aviation · · 8 · 2.9K

This time the with Pheon Decals to do Raoul Lufbery's airplane from S.124, the Lafayette Escadrille. A good kit worth checking out.

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8 responses

  1. Did that "swastika" marking have another meaning other than what's normally seen on Luftwaffe aircraft of WWII...? I don't believe I've ever seen it on anything else before. Enlighten the uninformed. By the way, where on earth do you display all these builds you're posting? Or are they no longer in your possession?

    • The thousands of years of history of the Swastika in multiple cultures from India of the Rig Veda to Native America and everything in between is far too involved to cover in a small post here. I suggest you go to Google and type in "The Swastika" and read the comprehensive article at Wikipedia.

      Suffice it to say here that Hitler and the Nazis hijacked something beautiful and forever dipped it in blood. As most right wingers do with anything they touch when it comes to facts and history.

  2. Nice SPAD Tom. How much better is the Roden kit than the older Hobbycraft? Is it worth spending the extra money on?

  3. But I'm looking - Hobbikraft even better place to look than Rodin. Here, I did not like such as wheels look - at Hobbikrafta they cast better, in my opinion.

  4. Compare only the quality of casting, that the plane is a bit different, this is understandable. Though often in old photographs, tell SPAD-7 from the SPAD-13 can only be by the number of machine guns.

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