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Merrill Anderson
19 articles

1/48 Albatros C.III

January 6, 2013 · in Aviation · · 2 · 3.6K

Used in several capacities during the war, manufactured by several contractors, and still flying at war's end, the Albatros C.III is truly a classic, and so is this kit, it is not, the , or the (early, crude) kit, it's tha . Part of my sometimes nostalgia trips, making a kit I built as a child, but doing it with my current skills.

Needless to say, I only used the basic parts, wings and fuselage, all the struts, landing, cabane, and interplane were scratched from Contrail strut material. The interior is complete (But sadly, it can't be photoed, at least by me) Using aftermarket and parts box prop, engine, guns, wheels and PE cribbed from Eduard and Part sets, plus a completely scratchbuilt tail strut assembly. Painted as the early 1916 bird from the cover of the datafile (I thought it was the prettiest 2 holer ever). The decals were cut from trim film, (actually easy, as they are so simple). The pale blue gray is my own mixture, the darker topside gray is RLM 63, both acrylic.

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2 responses

  1. Given I remember just how crude this kit really was, what you have done here is really outstanding.

  2. I have always admired people who can turn such and old kit into something as presentable as this. Very good work. Thanks for sharing

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