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Bill Koppos
122 articles

My favorite Five….an exciting new series….

January 21, 2013 · in Aviation · · 4 · 1.7K

Well maybe not exciting, interesting perhaps, but maybe not, mildly amusing?...oh never mind. I was sitting the other day with nothing to do (300 plus model kits all over the place and nothing to do? hmmm. Maybe my wife is right.) and started thinking, what would my favorite five models I have built be. Since a heart attack induced restart of my modelling career in 2001 I have cranked out quite a few, but several do stand out for various reasons. A couple have won me contest glory, a couple are just cool and please me no end, and one is my favorite airplane. (Well tied for first) So wether you are yawning by now or not, here is number 5...drumroll please...

's Hayate is one great model kit. To me it is the best 1/32 kit out there, well maybe these days the Tamiya Mustang has it beat but it's detailed, well fitting and gorgeous. Anybody from novice on up can build this. Actually, I think this was the first 1/32 I had done since the days of Revell, hence my pleasure. I decided to attend the 2005 nationals and this model was just released, I made the big choice to do this one for the Nats (I set these deadlines...) and long story short, it got me a first in 1/32 props (1/32 was split about 50 ways that year but what the hell). Proof of the kind of kit it is, it also got best out of box in that category. Never forget that day.

At any rate the model represents a machine of the 51st Sentai in the Philippines, one of the options in the kit. I sprayed on the hinomarus, as I avoid evil decals at every opportunity. Kit decals were used for the tail flash and small stuff. Model Master enamels used all round. Please do not look at the pilot figure's face. I CANNOT paint faces and gave up a while ago. He is a Fine Mold's figure and I got him at the same Nats so luckily he wasn't near the aircraft at the time.

So here it is, favorite number Five...

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5  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. One question / one observation (or I guess maybe another question)...1) what did you use for a mask when you sprayed on the red circles and.. 2) I've never seen a Japanese a/c with anything but those brown-colored props or [sometimes] silver - why green? Nice build, Bill - I like it (and I suck at figure painting, too).

    • Good afternoon Craig,
      From what I recall the props on the Ki-84s were painted "Willow Green" or some have stated a "Bamboo Green." a good reference is
      Have a great day.

  2. Hi Bill, great model. I like how you've shown restraint with the paint flaking/chipping. Its so easy to overdo it particularly on Japaneese aircraft that often displayed very worn camo. Good on ya for giving the figure painting a go. I'm not so good in that area too.

  3. A real beauty, and I second the compliment on the excellently restrained paint chipping. 'Pit look real nice. Nats win well deserved.

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