Announcing our December winner
The December contest has come to a successful end; it is my pleasure today to announce our new monthly winner.
This time, a total of 229 modeling articles were uploaded to the headlines, bringing over 1100 user comments.
Great modeling has many aspects and selecting a single winning entry (or a group of finalists for that matter) among the lot proved to be even harder than we anticipated. An apology is due because many extraordinary models that we found worthy of top remarks could not be included in our short list.
Best of all, we have a new contest in January. Click here to learn more »
iModeler Best in Show - December 2012
Horse of a different color - a conversion of 1/48 Tamiya P-51D into a racing Cavalier Mustang by Eric aka @yankymodeler. We fell in love with the great standard of workmanship, the subject off the beaten P-51 track, the immaculate finish, the fabulous interior work, the informative writeup. And it has been well liked by our readers...
Honorable Mentions: 6 Extraordinary Finalists
As a token of courtesy and recognition to those excellent models that very close, here are the jury's Honorable Mentions. (in no particular order)
1/48 Dragon Junkers Ju-88A4 by Tolga Ulgur ( @tolgaul )
Maxim Bylkin's ( aka @siskin ) Roden 1/32 Nieuport 25
Wingnut Wings FE.2b Early built by Michael Scott's ( @eindecker )
1/48 Promodeler Me 410 built by Keith Gabriel ( @one4832 )
Congrats to Erik for a well deserved win. I know it was tough to pick a winner but I like the choice.
No way I could've picked just ONE "winner" from this months' entries. But this one would've definitely been among the finalists. Congratulations, you have an opportunity to 'super size' Mr. Hoover's mount!
Congratulations Erik! Please do a Michelob one in 1/32!
Congratulations Erik and Finalists!
It was a great fight!
Congratulations Eric! A well-deserved win indeed, that is one beautiful Mustang and certainly the most detailed and well-rendered version of Ol' Yeller I've ever seen.
Good work, Erik, and congratulations.
Congrats to Erik and all other finalists.
No recognition of armour models again. That's too bad because I thought the site wanted more of these types of projects other than just aircraft.
We do want more armor! As a matter of fact, one armor subject almost made it to the final round in our judgement, but this time (as noted by other) the competition in the aircraft field was just too deadly
Hope to see more armor at iModeler!
Thank you all very much for your kind comments! I've not been on line for about a week being busy at work and working on my massive Intruder/Prowler/Growler build. It is a honor indeed to be selected in company with so many great models.
Thank you once again, I will have to think of a really good subject for this next build!
Congratulation Eric ! Nice conversion :)¨