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Announcing our January winners

February 2, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 10 · 2.9K

It is my pleasure today to announce the winning entries among the 123 articles submitted to iModeler during January.

iModeler Best in Show - January 2013

The judges were unanimous: Honza Petr's ( @honzapetr ) Aero L-29 Delfin shines with one of the most exquisite natural metal finishes we have ever seen - and that's only one of the many virtues of this model.

There is more!

Besides the Best in Show award, we have also funded a second prize as a token of appreciation to all our contributors.
The winner has been selected through a random draw, the only criterion being that the article should have received
6 or more comments from other users.

The lucky winner is this 1/48 Tamiya P-47D-2 Captured Thunderbolt by Tolga Ulgur.

Honorable Mentions

As a token of recognition to those excellent models that came very close to the podium, here are the jury's Honorable Mentions. (in no particular order)

Hasegawa 1/32nd Fw190D-9 by Eric Wade Whipple aka @tatzelwurm109

Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I 1:72 by @jan-baranec

Maxim Bylkin's ( aka @siskin ) Eduard 1/48 I-16 type 29

Junkers Ju-87G2 Kanonenvogel by @ozkanturker

Look forward to our new contest in February. Click here to learn more »

Reader reactions:

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Congratulations Honza and Tolga! Fantastic replicas and awards very well deserved.

  2. That was the proverbial "no-brainer"...the L-29 was/is a standout! The other category winner(s) were equally deserving. An outstanding job well done to all.

  3. Brilliant winners! Congratulations Honza and Tolga.

  4. Thanks very much to all. And Congratulations Honza and the finalists.

  5. Honza and Tolga - congratulations! Really great model!

  6. Congratulations! Fantastic modeling on display by all!

  7. Well done, Congratulations to Honza and Tolga. Congrats to the runner's up too...some pretty impressive work by all.

  8. Honza's L-29 sets a new standard for NMF, and Tolga's P-47 is the definition of the term "inspirational modeling."

    The work of everyone else is also outstanding. Congratulations.

  9. Spot on! But with some tough decisions considering the hounorable mentions, especially Maxim's Rata. Well done to all concerned.

  10. ...that L-29 - beyond words.

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