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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Another Dora

February 7, 2013 · in Aviation · · 4 · 7.8K

The second I built, I can't seem to locate the pictures from my first build. A few errors here and there, but I really love these kits fiddly, but fun and the weekend ones are a great value. I chose "Brown 17" since I could find no pictures of it and was able to have some leeway with the cammo scheme which is accurate for JG 26 using the Eagle Cals directions for the squadron. The 17 was painted using frisket film as a mask.

Reader reactions:

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Everything looks great except that bright green, Rob. You sure of that color...? Never seen one quite like it ('course you could fill volumes with the things I'm UNAWARE of - 🙁 - at any rate, it's a good build and that mottling looks really good.

  2. I'm always amazed how so many of you guys like to make good looking targets. The Dora-9 may have been a good airplane, but its success ratio was about 1:9 i.e., one victory for nine shot down) due to the fact that by the time it appeared, the Luftwaffe was a shadow of its former self, with the "Nachwuchs" ("new growth" climbing into these things with less than 100 hours total time. Over half of the Dora-9s crashed on takeoff or landing, or spun in trying to maneuver, due to "pilot error." Myself, I have a few of these, but I far prefer a P-47 or a P-51, or a Spitfire or Tempest, or a Yak-3 or La-5. You know, the planes flown by the NON-Nazis? The guys who WON?

    Nice work regardless, but that green is not what you want on the next one.

  3. Great build, and as i'm colour blind i'll have to go with the experts here on the shade of green, which looks ok to me! 🙂 As for why people certain aircraft types be they allied or not, i personally go with the overall appearamce of the subject not what side it was on. I enjoyed the series of 109 builds that appeared recently, and the wave of Mustangs and Corsairs. Its all good to me as far as models go!

  4. The green is showing up brighter in the pictures than it looks in person, I didn't try and manipulate it when I edited the pictures since I tend to have trouble with the tinting in iPhoto at times. It is still though not quite the shade I was shooting for which was the brighter green seen on late war Luftwaffe birds that were "Greened up" (at least that is my understanding) to match spring colors.

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