'Nother 1/48 target
My first 1/48 armor build- Tamiya's PzKpfw. IIIL. Kinda OOB + ... no real modifications, just some extra detailing and a bunch of Eduard P-E. Even used the kit tracks & decals. Weathering the usual combo of oil washes & chalk pastels. Thanks for looking.
Oh, yeah... check out the floating extra track links on the front. Fortunately, they're not glued!
I gotta say it looks the part!
Havent done a 1/48 armor yet, always scared that it was too small to get alot of detail out of, but you guys are makin me think otherwise!
Nice work...I've got a 48th Sherman to be built and I, too, have not yet done any armor in that scale. Hope it turns out as well as your build, Stan.
Nice work, since I only build 1/48th, I was really excited by Tamiya's release of armor in that scale. I find that they build up to be very nice looking kits and with a little work can really stand out. They are much easier and better than the old Bandai kits that I have. Yours looks good here. Nice overall finish, and your weathering techniques have done a good job of highlighting the details of the kit.
Surprise! A gorgeous model from Stan Traas. Nice shading, perfect tracks.