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Maxim Bylkin
65 articles

Polikarpov I-180E-3 1/48 scratchbuild

February 15, 2013 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.2K

I-180 - on such machines might have come across Luftwaffe Russian pilots in 1941. If it were not a tragic set of circumstances such as the death of several test pilots, including Valery Chkalov. I-180 is a deep modernization of I-16, and when making the series would be the most driven to condition the beginning of war fighter.

On the model - I made a third version of the I-180, pre-production, with a closed canopy. Is scratchbuild, I used different parts of the models La-5, MiG-3, I-16. Painted with a brush again. Such an unusual coloration is due to witnesses, who mentioned that color fuselage, as "pink seagull." Some civilian aircraft were painted in the 30's in a similar cream.

I hope you enjoy the work, enjoy.

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5  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. An outstanding hybrid, Maxim - you never cease to amaze with your workmanship. Once again, you have displayed your knack for the unique. Nice job all 'round...the build, the finish, the photography. A job well done.

  2. I-16 meets La-7. Gorgeous, Maxim.

  3. That is COOL!. It looks like something from a 1930's serial. Too bad they didn't get produced. Great job on the scratchbuild, you now have something totally unique. The color is great too, just a touch of pink. Must have been hard to mix. Congrats.

  4. Never heard of I-180, but your model sure looks fantastic.

  5. Thank you, colleagues, I'm glad you liked it!
    Aircraft 30's - it's something!
    For Nikola Pentić ))-

  6. Utterly cool. It looks like a Gee Bee made to a fighter. I agree about you view on the 1930s - so many ground-breaking concepts were put into practice during that decade.

  7. Awesome! Love Soviet fighters, they all have compound curves everywhere. Very well done!

  8. That is really wonderful Maxim. A great piece of work. I must be the only person besides you (and probably Mr. Soviet Aviation Kevin T) who knew what it was. A beautiful kitbash.

  9. Excellent Maxim, what a beautiful job Sir. Cant wait to see you next project.

  10. Wow! This one cool little plane! Nice!

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