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Bill Koppos
123 articles

After seeing Traas's immaculate workbench in the article below....

March 11, 2013 · in Uncategorized · 13 · 1.7K

Just figure I would throw mine in for comparison...hmmmmm. No I'm not proud of it.
Also included are a couple of views from my climate controlled painting area, which explains my propensity for one-color armor building during the winters.
I guess I'll leave these under "uncategorized".

Reader reactions:

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. If I ever decided to 'straighten up' and "clean" my work bench/table/area, I'd never find ANYTHING. Which is why it's staying just like it is. SWMBO has no business around there, anyway. Mine can be seen in the Groups section under "Displays, Workbenches & Stashes".

  2. I have to have my work bench organized or else I go nuts haha! I'm the same way with my computer desk and anything else for that matter! For me organization is vital!

  3. Looks a good deal like mine, only I have more space (a plywood covered pool table) and two small work tables (one for spraying, one for drafting/plans) Your mess can't even compete. That's neither a brag or complaint, just what it is.

  4. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but hey what ever works for you, and you still do nice stuff.

  5. Looks like you've been closing the desk lid a little too often... ๐Ÿ˜›

    Messy working environment seems to be a part of all great modeling. It is only the degree of disorder which seems to vary...

    • Yes the desk does close up, an idea of my wife's from IKEA to prevent a major modeling problem-feline intrusion. If I leave it open too long I find stuff ALL over the house.

      • I have a model eating cat and parts eating carpet. Just lucky I Guess.

        2 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  6. said on March 12, 2013

    You should be proud of yourself! I've never seen so much modeling stuff on such a small space! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I reckon I would "show off" by posting a shot of my mess. My missus is afraid to go near it. I don't have any shame left to worry about. Hey, Bill you have me beat in one area. My actual work area is maybe a square foot. You have room for 1/48 or 1/32. Adios, Larry.

    • My work space ends up looking like this at the end of a build but I love to tidy up at the end and start again with everything in order, never seems to last long though!

    • Ah but you see the saving grace of the folding anti-cat desktop is it must be clear of stuff to fold up at the end of work. Otherwise sure as s--- it would be loaded with clutter too. I can't figure out what that is you're working on. Something french?

  8. The models on the bench are a 1/72 Pavla Blackburn Roc and an Azur 1/72 Breda Ba.65. Adios, Larry.

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