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Ulrich Schütt
21 articles

Doyusha 1:32, Kawanishi N1K2 Shiden-kai “George”

March 28, 2013 · in Aviation · · 2 · 2.2K

One of my earlier builds, this is the Doyusha N1K2 Shiden, which was released also bij Tomy and Swallow. What I can recall, the cockpit was shallow and had a battery compartment, I scratchbuild a decent cockpit. The engine left much to be desired, but can't recall what I've done with it.
Sprayed with enamels, Hinomarus and tailcode are decals.
No washes were used...
Although I stille have one in my stash, I can't wait 'till autumn when releases their 1:32 scale Shiden!

Best regards;
Ulrich Schütt

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2 responses

  1. Nice work on a dog kit. Makes me look forward to the NiK2-J Hasegawa is bringing out this summer.

  2. great looking model...heck you can't see the engine anyway

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