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John Jeffers
6 articles

Faux pas II

March 13, 2013 · in Aviation · 3 · 1K

Craig, your not the only one with S.M.S. ( Senior Moment Syndrome ) I posted this on another site and didn't catch the faux pas until the comments started coming in.
The wing is suppose to say... "Miami"

Reader reactions:

3 responses

  1. Yeah, but yours looks like it'd be an easier fix than mine. And like mine, it sticks out like a sore thumb, don't it? Oh well...I'd wager there's not ONE modeler watching/listening that hasn't done something similar at least once.

  2. I'd like to see some other faux pas out there 🙂 I'd bet there are some good ones.

  3. If you don't have a clear cote on it, I'm sure you can use something like microset to take the decal off.

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