P 232/2
I finally finished this beast! My first model in... (mental math taking place) about 8 years. I think there are a few more things that could be done to this, but I'm sticking a fork in this one! Enjoy! Feedback is welcome.
You can follow my entire journey for this build here: http://www.yellownose.com/category/articles/
Fantastic work ,especialy after such a long lay off,I would love to achieve that exhaust stain effect.Don't think I've seen this bird before,any more info ?
Thanks Neil! The exhaust is just some Testors black paint lightly airbrushed. This is my first time trying this method and I have some mixed opinions of it for now. I will probably give it another go simply due to the fact that I had such a long furlough and am a bit rusty with the 'ol airbrush.
Here is some more info on the bird:
The Domier P 232/2 project*’ was initiated in May 1943 as a single-seal fast bomber, heavy fighter and low-level altack aircraft. lis overall configuration was derived from the earlier Do 335 ‘Pfeil’ (arrow), nicknamed the ‘Ameisenhar’ (ani-eater), where the rear rec~ iprocating engine was replaced by a JUffiO 004C turbojet which could be attached to the rear fuselage at the standard attachment points. When not in use, the hoVa lateral air intake scoops for the turbojet could be retracted into the fuselage to reduce drag.
The combination of airscrew and turbojet enabled the advantage of both types of propulsion unit to be realised: long ranges when the piston engine was used alone, and a high cruising speed especially at low altitude with both engines in operation. In the latter case, calculations gave a maximum continuous cruising speed of 646krn/h (40Imph) – an increase of 85km/h (53mph) over the Do 335, and a range of 1,250km (777 miles). With the TL engine switched off, range was 3,500km al 530km/h (2,175 miles at 329mph). According to the construction brochure of 28th May 1943, the tactical capabilities of the P232/2 at low-level were ideal. Since turbojet installation resulted in reduced weight, the expendable load could be increased to I,OOOkg (2,205Ib). Fixed armament was to consist of a single MK 103 firing through the propeller shaft and two MG 151/20 replaced later by two MK I08s.
Nice work on that, and interesting subject. I love the Do 335 and the Tamiya kit. Your conversion looks great and gives us a look at something different yet familiar. Nice work on the conversion, too bad you didn't make molds of your parts so you could offer up resin kits.
Good work on the paint and finish.
Don't see (or hear) about this German entry very much - or any of the Dorniers - when watching "war documentaries" . Wonder why that is? Maybe it was produced too late to see 'action' or it just didn't catch on, so to speak. Kinda like the Japanese Shinden - similar concept but not much (if any) 'action'. Hmmmmm...nice job on your build, though, Ted -I like it.