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James Kelley
80 articles

1/35 DML Sd.Kfz. 184 Schwerer Jagdpanzer "Elefant"

April 19, 2013 · in Armor · · 3 · 2.9K

Here is another model I built a few years ago.

This was DML's "Premium" kit - I don't even remember why it was called that. The zimmerit was applied and sculpted from two-part epoxy putty (), using a homemade tool I fashioned out of scrap plastic. I made the mud/earth using a technique outlined by Mig Jimenez, which I no longer can find.

The figures were from Alpine (i think), and I believe that they were a raffle prize I won at a show once.It was a very nicely-sculpted set. The crew's eyes are actually Archer decals, believe it or not.

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3  Awesome

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3 responses

  1. That is a way cool pachyderm you got there. Finally an AFV with some good looking mud. Figures are mean lookin'.

  2. Profile Photo
    said on April 22, 2013

    Really good "Elephant" James, fantastic finishing and crew figures. Its begging to be placed on a diorama tho' 🙂

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