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Rob Anderson
201 articles

Not a build article, but a nostalgia picture

April 25, 2013 · in Armor · 4 · 1.1K

Wonder who may have built one of these in the past? I got one for a present as a kid when they were brand new and the hottest thing on the market. It was lost in one of my Navy moves years ago and I have wanted one ever since, so I ordered one today and will show it here when I get it and then as I build it! Not the most accurate Tiger by any stretch, but man a fun build. Will do it SOB, just like when I was 13!

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4 responses

  1. Excellent post! I was either 8 or 9 years of age and an avid scale modeler. Every Saturday, without fail, me and my best freind Jeff (also an avid modeller) would jump on our bicycles ( mine a Schwinn "Stingray", Jeff's a Ross "Apollo 5 Speed") and ride about two miles to the intersection of Front Street & Hempstead Turnepike. It was at this intersection that one would find (during the 1970's) two first class hobby shops. The first was "Larry's Hobbies". Two doors away was "Polk's Hobbies". It was here we would blow all our pocket money. We never had more than to be able to afford an Airfix bagged kit and a few tins of paint, but that could not stop us from dreaming of the day that we could afford some of the bigger, pricier. We both had a mental list of the kits we would buy if we could afford to. At the top of both our lists was the kit that you posted. It was mine and Jeff's "Holy Grail". Time Marched on and both hobby shops folded. Jeff copped it pushing his 70 "Cuda" to the envelope in an illegal street race, he was 19. Funny, neither one of us ever got that kit. Maybe I should buy one now, just for old times sake.

  2. Well they are "discontinued" again so you may want to act fast unless you want to go the ebay route. I got mine from they still show them in stock, I went with them vice ebay to be assured a new kit in good shape.

  3. I built one during my "armor period" many years ago before moving to FL. I had maybe 40-50 armor models, but it wasn't feasible to try to take them with me. I'll say this, though...compared to aircraft (my first love), they sure are a lot easier to display as far as finding room for 'em. They may not be 'accurate', as you say, but they look good when they're done right.

  4. I agree - great nostalgic kit and box art. Back in the 70's, I used to spend hours looking through the old Squadron mail order catalogs that had line drawings of all of the box art. The Tamiya Tiger was always one of my favorites.

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