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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles

1/48,Monogram F-5E Bahrain Air Force, Gulf War

May 30, 2013 · in Aviation · · 3 · 2.8K

Though not much has been mentioned in what capacity that the Bahrain Amiri Air Force contributed during the Gulf War. Flying F-5E's and F-16's. Starting with defensive operations on the 25th of January and then launching offensive operations the following day. Choosing Monograms F-5E to represent one of the Bahraini Tiger II's. Still a nice kit and the only kit of the F-5E at the time of this build for many years. Building this in a simple scheme of 36375 Lt Ghost Grey with a nose cone of Dk Gull Grey. Could not find the True details cockpit set, so accept for the decals, it is all . Typical mission load Mk.82 500lb bombs and AIM 9P sidewinders. Escorted by the F-16s. Flying out of Shaikh Isa AB. One of my 48th contigent of my coalition Desert Storm participants that I have built so far, not as many in this scale built compare to my 72nd collection. Decal set came from Carpena #48-25.

Thanks for viewing.


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3  Awesome

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3 responses

  1. Nice, clean build, Chuck...sleek little jet with unique markings for your collection. Good work.

  2. It was a nice no hassle build. I say no hassle as I know what to expect from a Revello-gram kit of this era. But thats the fun isn't it. Simple scheme, that don't see very often.

    Fly Navy

  3. Very nice build, Chuck. I don't have much interest in more recent than Korean War Sabres and straight-wingers, but I've long admired the lines of the F-5 series and have several kits - Hawk, Monogram, and Esci - just in case the mood strikes. Hope the day never comes when we wish we had several hundreds of this plane's descendants rather than a few dozen over-electrified, over-complicated, weirdly shaped monstrosities to carry out our wode-spread tactical and strategic needs.. Also hope you still enjoy making good builds like this.

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