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Review: Zvezda 1/48 Yak-3 video review

May 29, 2013 · in Reviews · · 6 · 1.1K

Zvezda's new-tool 1/48 Yakovlev Yak-3 appears to be a gem of a kit. Video review by ScaleModelAircraft, via YT.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

6 responses

  1. Excellent review, informative, easy to watch (and listen to) - and best of all, one can draw one's own conclusions about the kit and its' contents. In my opinion, more review videos should emulate this approach.

  2. no bag that's crude...zvezda makes a nice kit...two piece wing a little

  3. Okay, it was a nice review with good shots of the kit's contents, but I do not understand the "Highly Recommended" bit. Highly recommended based on what? Sure, the parts look great, but has anyone ever tried putting together a Zvezda kit? I can tell you from experience that Zvezda kits are a real bear when it comes to assembly. I will probably optain one of these anyway as Soviet fighters are not as well represented in 1/48 as American, British, German, Japanese, etc fighters are, but I am not expecting "Tamiyagawa" fit.

  4. The only Zveda kit I've ever done was a little German 88 fit problems, decent detail... albeit there wasn't that much to it.

  5. I built the Zvezda La-5n. It is a really comprehensive kit that really needs nothing aftermarket. Gotta tell you though, that kit fought me all the way. The fit was terrible.

  6. I like the flip-top box right off the bat. Looks nice overall. Decal sheet looks like typical Ukrainian matte-but they usually work OK. One hopes. I was surprised to see German crosses for kill markings on the sheet, I thought they only had to use red stars? The two-headed pilot looks pretty good too. I'd try one.

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