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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

1/48 Hasegawa F4U-7

July 25, 2013 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2K

This is the -7, as flown by 15 Flotille from Arromanches at the Suez intervention, decals from MDC.

40 years ago, I helped restore BuNo 133722, the last F4U-7 in existence and the last built still in existence, ten more came down the line afterwards. We found the Suez markings five layers down in the paint (it was nearly cocooned in paint) and I knew what they were, so it was restored in the Suez markings and for a long time was the only restored warbird flying in operational markings the specific airframe had carried at a historically-important event. After 5 years, the the guy who restored it sold it to Stephen Grey and it operated from Duxford for 20-odd years. Then it got bought by the fool who owns the Tillamook Air Museum, who had it stripped and repainted as a Korean USMC Corsair "because the Corsair is an American airplane" (not the F4U-7, buddy). He then scrimped on maintenance and three years ago sent it flying off to an airshow when it really needed a major overhaul on the engine - and of course it was no surprise when the engine seized and the pilot baled out and the last flying Corsair ended up as a pile of aluminum scrap out in the Cascades. Proof of what happens when morons who are born on third base think they hit a triple.

So this model reminds me of what once was. (and why most warbird owners are guilty till proven innocent with me, since most of them sadly are "lacking")

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4  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Thanks for the background on the F4U-7, Tom. I never knew that it was that one that crashed in the Cascades. Such a stupid, unnecessary loss. Nice job on the kit and a striking scheme indeed! I built the Hasegawa -4 once for a friend and I recall that certain steps weren't fun. Yours looks to have turned out much better.

  2. pretty job ...very sad story

  3. I love the corsair- your builds as usual are great, this one is excellent. I can't wait to get my -7 and AU-1 finished in french colours! They are on the list...

  4. Tom,
    I never met a Corsair that I did not like. This captures a great scheme.

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