Eduard 1:48 Spitfire Mk. IXc
Much has been written about the Eduard Spitfire and the history of Spitfires by better men then I so i'll spare you all.
I modeled Spitfire ML296, 312 (Czech) Squadron, RAF, August, 1944. I painted most of the markings, Roundels, codes, etc., using the kit decals for data and personal markings.
For the most part a well engineered kit. Underwing radiators are a press fit, upper cowling is a precise fit allowing you to paint the airframe then install the exhaust (which by the way i feel are a bit over engineered).
I used the Brassin resin cockpit and exhausts. the exhausts fit well, their only real advantage over the kit exhaust are the weld detail. The Cockpit is a whole other story. i found my left side wall warped after i installed it, causing fit problems with the lower wing. Though it may have been me. I strongly suggest reading and rereading the instructions.
Paints are by MR. Color. I used there Late War RAF color set though i did mix 330, British Dark Green BS381c/641 with the sets Dark Green for some variation in hues. Sky fuselage band and spinner are #26, Duck egg Green. Chipping is with PrismaColor silver pencil, post shading with the standard "Wauchop" mix of heavily thinned Tamiya Red Brown and Nato Black. Panel line washes are a neutral gray artist oils and some heavy use areas getting a dark brown artist oil wash
VERY nice cockpit is outstanding
Wow! This has to be the best model Spitfire yet, the weathering is just right.
An outstanding example of artistry. Great work.
Nicely finished and weathered without a doubt! How come no exhaust staining?
Thanks for the kind words. i've seen plenty of photos where the is little or no evidence of exhaust stains. at the time i felt i had taken the weathering as far as i wanted, in fact a bit too far along the right wing/fuselage fillet. Next time, next one. there will be others, great kit, and i do love Spitfires
Very nice. You did a great job on this. I also like the way you weathered it. I really like it.
Can't add to the kudos already mentioned. Great overall finish, paint, details, etc. Nice job.
The exhausts are a "bit over-engineered"? That's like saying World War 2 was a difference of opinion! That crazy system they came up is the single dumbest way of accomplishing the placement of exhausts ever done on any kit. I have sadly become far less a fan of Eduard than I used to be, the F6F being the last kit they did that made sense from a design and fit standpoint (don't even get me started on their 1/48 Bf-110s and Fw-190s).
Nice work though, Roger - your typical standard-issue standard of excellence!
Hey Tom, care to elaborate a bit further on this exhaust thing? How complicated can it be? As a Spitfire fan, I was thinking about purchasing this kit, but if it takes more than the usual steps to install the exhaust stubs, I'm thinking I might have to pass.
Eduard's site has a PDF file of the kit instructions.
Thundering Jaysus! That not only is complicated, it is totally ridiculous! What was Eduard thinking?
Wow!, just Wow!
Lovely build of a Spitfire Roger. Replacing many of the major decals with paint using masks makes for a sharp looking kit. Excellent techniques in the post shading and I'm assuming some pre-shading too. The build is worthy of "10" and " I like it".
Two thumbs up.
your usual fabulous work roger
Very nice Spitfire, Roger.
I have to agree on the exhaust assembly as discussed above. I hope Quickboost is on the case with a set of single-piece exhausts.
I've been an admirer of your work for some time Roger. In fact, I used your P-51B build on another site {which will remain unnamed}
as a guidepost for mine (it helped a great deal, but mine did not turn out as well as yours). Your Ed Spit is gorgeous. A beautifully clean build and, you have the Wauchop technique nailed. Superb!
Nice Spitfire! Great paint work. That kit is now my favorite plastic model. While the exhaust assembly is weird, it wasn't that difficult to assemble.
Just the inspiration I need to get a move on with mine. Your Spit looks just great & I love the paint & weathering. I haven't reached the exhausts yet so thanks for the heads up.