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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

PCM 1/32 Tempest V, Srs. 2

July 22, 2013 · in Aviation · · 10 · 1.4K

This will be more fully reviewed at Modeling Madness this Wednesday.

The kit decals were modified to do "Foob" Fairbanks' EJ762, using the new photo Chris Thomas has received that shows the full left side of the airplane after it was repaired following the November 19, 1944, mission where he took a flak hit in the left wing and caught fire for a moment - the soot was just cleaned off the ID codes and serial, the repair being "in the field. Note the strange "F" individual letter, which has equal-span cross arms.

Nice kit, goes together easily, if you make sure that the just-too-big plastic parts for the radiator faces are sanded down all around about inch so they will fit properly inside the cowling, then trim the photoetch. If you don't do this, fitting the lower fuselage together and then fitting the wing to the fuselage will be an exercise in industrial-strength pushing and shoving and the air over the workbench will turn a deep dark purple and SWMBO will tell you you're not supposed to let children hear those words (ask me how I know). The short-chord cowling (used on all early Tempext V up to the SNxxx serial range) has fit problems, which can be solved with cutting and trimming and test fitting.

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. The finished pix look great tom but is the kit worth the $79.00? I am really wanting one.

  2. You are causing me 1/32 envy. Beautifully done, Tom.

  3. Good, straight forward build.

  4. Fantastic work, Tom!

  5. said on July 23, 2013

    Mine came in the mail today...and a few hours later came an email from PCM to advise that some kits had an issue with warpage in the ings and short shot radiator and blunt spinner options. I immediately checked mine - fortunately, no problems there. BUT...
    The resin wheel well had a wave 'I could surf on' in it, from the pour stub right through to the leading edge. I Am contacting PCM as this does not look like a one -off and may not be fixable with hot water. Other than that it looks like being their best kit, ever. (I have their 1/48 Mc200 and their 1/32 Spitfire XIV.)

    As for your build-- that's just a beauty! (I'm doing a 486 sqdn machine, maybe Jimmy Sheddan's, or another from Deelen.) Well done!


  6. Very Nice!...I just picked this kit up the other many great subjects to build as of little time.

  7. Addendum to my posts above- I have emailed the pix to PCM a few minutes ago and copied them to Tom for his information.

    But I still LOVE this kit!

  8. Tom,
    Another great job. Can't help but like the Tempest and the Typhoon..

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