Seahawk disaster!!
Hi all, I am finally reaching the end of my classic airframes Seahawk but as you can see the dark sea grey has shown through the ace of hearts insignia, I have considered carefully masking it of and painting in the white part but I am pretty sure this option will look fairly bad, so I wondered if anyone on this site has these insignia in 1/48 that they are not going to use ,my idea being to place them over the first set and hopefully look correct. I will happily pay a fair price plus postage from anywhere in the world, failing this does anyone know how to contact the owners of the classic airframes company and try to get a replacement set from them .
I will complete the build anyway and keep my fingers crossed, I'm sure you can all imagine how disappointed I am as this build was coming together really well.
That's a drag for sure.
It's hardly noticeable, Neil...I don't think I would have seen it had you not pointed it out. Rather than overpaint the white, maybe you could find some spare white decal and apply that instead (but then you'd have to replicate the red ace (of diamonds, by the way, not hearts).
You could find someone with the same kit and copy and print out new decals on white decal paper. Lay a second ace of diamonds over the first one. (I had the same problem laying a national insignia over a black and yellow stripe on an F-14!)
oops , well spotted -diamonds !
That's a shame. The rest looks great-
If that is the only thing wrong with this model I wouldn't sweat it. Don't point it out and I bet no one would notice it and if they were polite they won't mention it. The rest looks good to me. Using an additional decal would definitely clear this up.
Thanks Frank.
Since you first posted, I have been puzzling out this situation in my head but, unfortunately, have not come up with any quick fixes. The only thing that comes to mind is to lightly weather the top side color so that it looks like the paint is beginning to fade, then the portion of the decal that lays over the grey will look like it has faded also. The part of the decal that lays over the underside color can remain the way it is as it is over a lighter color and lighter colors do not show fade as much as a darker color does. Another thing you might try is the "dot" method using oil paint. Go get a tube of white oil paint, preferably a "Blending White" and put small dots of paint on the white portion of the decal, then with a large flat brush, blend the oil paint into the white portion of the decal. Maybe the white oil paint will build up enough that the upper part of the decal will no longer be noticed. Just my two cents, good luck.
Cheers for giving my problem so much thought Seamus, I was thinking along similar lines, I originally wanted to do this one ultra clean ,factory fresh but thought I could do some weathering to fade it in.
Thanks for your help.
Seamus , since my reply to your last post I have found on Ebay a Falcon vac form seahawk with the correct decal sheet for £12, from what I can see the decal sheet looks a bit yellow but I have taken a chance and will see in a few days, my problem now is do I go with my idea of placing one decal over another or do I scrape off the originals and then take a chance on the Falcon decals crumbling into a zillion pieces and leaving me with nothing! Aaaagh the agony of choice...
That reminds me of a song by Devo!
how about taping around the decal...then holding a mask over the dark part...then spraying a very diluted black or gray on the bottom portion...allow to dry then over spray the whole thing to blend
Good idea, if I was to try that though I would probably try to blend it in with white.
I think most builders have run into the same issue some where along the line & tend to overlook it on other models.
If you did not seal ithe decal & aren't faint of heart you could possibly remove it with a piece of tape. Of course, if the paint is not over primer or has not bit the plastic well it could come up too.
Sadly "faint of heart " is my middle name !
Hey Neil,
This has happened to me before...
My remedy was to get another decal and apply it on top of the original...
That's what I did for the roundels but just had to live with the ace of diamonds insignia, didn't look too bad in the end thanks for looking.