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1/48 Tamiya Focke Wulf Fw-190 A8R8

September 28, 2013 · in Aviation · · 21 · 2.9K

This is an old built, but with new taken pictures. The kit was finished with the markings of JG3. This A8R8 flown by Wilhelm Montz in the summer of 1944. The construction of the kit is very easy. Though it has some accuracy problems (like the diameter of the main wheels and the shortness of the main wheel leg) I tried to built it mostly out of the box. Wheels replaced with Eagle Part (EP#6-48) set .

Painting was done with Gunze Sangyo acrylics. Upper surfaces painted to RLM75/74 and underside to RLM76. Mottles on the fuselage sides by free hand airbrushing.

Happy modelling

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Another boringly-excellent Tolga Ulgur build. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I keep telling myself I've done enough Fw-190s and then some guy like you comes along and publishes some "aspirational modeling." Stop it! Cease, I say, you subversive!

  2. Pure magic Tolga. a masterclass in deed.
    Like your avatar Mr Waters I do believe.

  3. Another great build Tolga. I second Toms comments! Your paint scheme is nicely done and the panzer glass is a cool addition to the model.

  4. Wow, again! Fantastic butcher bird Tolga. And thanks for all the pics, I love the different perspectives!

  5. iModeler should have a separate category for "This Month's Winners" that excludes your models...!:):) We don't stand a chance. Fabulous work, Tolga.

  6. It's fantastic, Tolga, (I think I've spelt your name correctly this time!) if it weren't for the shadows you could believe it was actually flying.

  7. As I walk in the Valley of modeling gloom...Oh wait a minute its just Tolga 's shadow.
    Another super build and reminder to step up my game.
    Two thumbs up on this one.

  8. Fantastic, Tolga. Another work of art !

  9. I agree with everyone else your work is amazing, but just one thing, wouldn't the aerial go slack when the canopy is slid back ?

  10. beautifully done

  11. Thanks for your comments.

  12. fantastic paintjob on the mottled camo scheme

  13. Great, amazing, and on and on
    U say the mottling was done free hand, isn't all the camo done free hand 2
    Wonderful job U set the bar high to shoot for!

  14. Still a beautiful build after all these years! Should the pilot's name be Wilhelm Moritz?

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