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Gary Brantley
44 articles

Monogram F-80C Shooting Star “Salty Dog”

September 8, 2013 · in Aviation · · 17 · 3K

I thought I had posted these pics before but it seems that I haven't. With that in mind, Tom Cleaver's generous compliments in the "Monograms at the airport" thread" moved me to show the few pics that I do have of this model. The wind was really gusting that day and I had to curtail the session early. So, I only have a handful of decent shots. I was glad that I didn't knock-off either drop tank. I have disengaged them a couple times just moving the model around the display cabinet!

In the very first issue of FSM magazine that I ever bought (Jan. '89), there was an article by the great Bob Steinbrun on converting this old kit into one of the P-80s that were sent to Europe in the waning days of World War Two. Bob did an incredible job and it sort of inspired me several years later when I built this -era bird. So, here's the "Salty Dog" at the Cameron Airport.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

17 responses

  1. Gary...Super job on your F80C. Excellent natural metal finish, as good as they come. I have Bob's award winning P-80 sitting in my showcase, though his was done in the grey scheme.

    • Thanks for the kind words Jack. I sure do appreciate them. And, you now own Steinbrun's P-80?!?! Oh wow! Please share the story behind THAT! That is just too cool man. Yes, I recall that he used automotive gray lacquer for that finish, right?
      btw-Jack,any chance you could post pics of that Steinbrun P-80? I would love to have some copies of that cool machine!
      Thanks, Gary

  2. understated beauty...i love a sleeper

  3. That's a real beauty...

  4. Everything's right about this, superb finish on a great model, beautifully photographed, and some interesting history.

  5. Wonderful job, both model and photography !

  6. Gary,
    You have done justice to a beautiful airplane. I think I love every scheme I have ever seen for the P/F-80. Outstanding job on this.

  7. Said it before I'll say it again - absolutely superb metal finish.

    • Wow, thanks to all of you fine modelers for the kind and wonderful comments you made! Credit for the NMF goes to the late and lamented SnJ aluminum. Some of the paint was polished with the SnJ powdered aluminum, some was just polished with a soft cloth and some was left un-polished. I was sure sorry to read that SnJ is no more; guess I'm gonna have to move along to Alclad for the natural metal in my modeling future! Thanks again to everybody. 🙂

  8. Wicked good build, great metal finish, not easy to do with such realistic results.

  9. Gary, absolutely lovely job on one of my all time favorite Monogram kits (happen to have several in the stash). Very nice job indeed and thanks for sharing with us.

  10. Looks just as nice as Bob's. I know because I have his in my showcase. Beautiful work.

    • Aww Jack, you're much too kind sir! That's about the highest praise you could bestow, and I appreciate it so much. Bob's P-80 was such an inspiration for me; really, it was the model airplane that demonstrated to me just what could be achieved by a great modeler and just how far I had to go before I could even come close to that kind of work. I'm afraid that I still have miles to go! Thanks again Jack, you have made my "year" so far (not that ever expect to hear a better compliment for a model of mine.)!


  11. That is stunning...I forgot how nice this kit goes together and looks the part. Great build and finish...I'd love to know what system you used. Thanks. Jim

    • Thanks Jim! That's so kind of you to say, I really appreciate it. That model was painted with SnJ aluminum. It came with aluminum polishing powder and the shiniest sections were polished with that powder. I masked some areas to be left unpolished, and some with another shade ( polished without the powder) of the SnJ and some might've even been painted with another variety of metal paint. It has been a long time since I built her so some details have probably been forgotten by now. But the now long-gone SnJ was the primary paint used. It was my favorite for NMF by far! Thanks again Jim! Best, Gary

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