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Rob Anderson
206 articles

USS Wilkes DD441 Done!

September 13, 2013 · in Ships · · 7 · 1.5K

Well here she is completed! Did not add every bit of PE, and since detail shots of Wilkes are hard to find I had to be creative and use other ships close to her configuration for things like the floater net baskets, but I am pretty happy overall! Next 1/25 Tiger, Phantom or C-2A..hmmmmm

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7 responses

  1. Very nice. I love the Gleaves class DDs.

  2. very nicely done! Don't you just love the PE on the 20mm and 40mm aa guns?!

  3. I thought I was going to lose it folding all the tiny pieces and then getting them attached! The only PE for the 40s is the rail and sights
    though the ret is scratchbuilt.

  4. It came out nicely, Rob...well done!

  5. Rob, I know even less about ships than I do about aircraft, but this is obviously a very nicely built and finished model. Looking forward to seeing whatever you decide to build next.

  6. Nice work! I'm tempted to build that kit too.

  7. Thanks guys, and John it is a great kit and easy to modify depending on which Gleaves class you want to build. The only negative I had for the whole thing was the GMM railings were very soft and hard to keep from mangling as I shaped them. The rest of the set was amazing, and the rails were too, I just wished they had been sturdier like the Cybermodeler upgrade set was.

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