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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Bill Bosworth’s scratchbuilt Fokker T-2

October 10, 2013 · in Aviation · · 4 · 2.4K

Bill would kill me with his bare hands were I to actually refer to him as "the legendary Bill Bosworth," but in fact that title is true, though it should never be used since he would deny all. So just remember, you never read this statement and I didn't make it. 🙂

For the truly talented, the work speaks for itself, as do these photos of a scratchbuilt Fokker T-2, which Bill did back around 35 years ago. Every time I look at his stuff, the words "I'm not worthy!" appear in my mind.

Bill's sent me some other photos, which I will share in coming days.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. stunning...God bless him

  2. just other words fit...

  3. Just gorgeous!

    Best regards, Vlad.

  4. Gorgeous. I have a recollection of having seen this model before in a book, was it Scracthbuilt! ? In any case, this work is beyond and above superlatives. Scrachbuilding this kind of model is a fabulous undertaking, but the paintwork is - if at all possible - even better! Best regards to the builder, he should be rightfully considered a legend 🙂

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