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Rob Pollock
195 articles

Vintage Fighter Series P-47D Thunderbolt 1/24

October 18, 2013 · in Aviation · · 25 · 6.4K

You may have read recently that has bought the moulds to the VFS Thunderbolts.

These were originally produced by Ray Thomas, and I bought my kit from him at the Hornchurch show in 2009, and built it a year or so later when it had moved up my build-calendar.

Ray's first venture was a P-40, which received mixed reviews, and he followed that with the more successful series, of which there were two if not three 'D types' produced.

I believe he stopped trading in 2011, but last year on Armorama's ' Heaven' forum there was talk that he might be coming back with something new, then the Kinetic news began to surface, so maybe that was that.

I detailed the engine and cockpit for a little extra punch, but it's a fine kit in its own right, so if you like big birds, and this IS big, check out the re-release, assuming it's as the original VFS.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. Wow Rob another terrific build ,one of the lads in my club ,Warrington IPMS is nuts about P47's,pity we won't be able to see it in the flesh ( or should that be plastic ?) at Telford.

  2. WOW! that is awesome!
    That is a great job on the cockpit and engine details the paint is nice too!

  3. Rob, killer job on the that Big Boy- Nicely detailed, painted and executed. You must have a large display area because that model is a real monster in that scale! I've got the same AC underway in 1/48th scale. Quick question about the prop- what ref did you find that has the neutral grey painted on the prop cuffs-that's a cool look...

    • Hi Erich. I was researching the 'Ole Cock' aircraft and its Squadron (which was based just outside Colchester, where I lived for many years), and I think I saw a machine with the variation at the prop base. It was a b/w photo, so I interpreted it as dark grey. There is also a photo of the machine "Kokomo", based here in 1944, that seems to show such a difference, but it may be the light. I think I used a Hamilton prop on the kit (at least one other type available in the VFS offering). Sorry not to be more specific, but you know how it is when you happen on a photo, make a mental note, and move on...

  4. I've got a 32nd Jug and THAT'S pretty big...I can't imagine how much space that 24th example takes up. Don't think I've ever seen one in that scale. Nice job.

  5. A very big Jug, very well built and painted indeed. Looks goood.

  6. Outstanding, Rob, both in size and quality !

  7. Wow, cool! Great detailing!

  8. I love Jugs, of any size but 47Ds are my favorite.

  9. All this talk of Jugs had me thinking I was on a different type of site. Ah but looking at the awesome looking P-47 I knew I was at the right place. Great work, just way too big for my storage. The P-47 is my favorite American fighter of WWII. If you look back in my submissions you will see I built this same bird in 1/48th. We seem to have different interpretations of what the colors were. I like looks great.

    • Re colours - I think it's accepted that the Thunderbolts, stationed at Boxted Essex in the 56th, were painted using available RAF paints from local stocks, hence some oddball-looking combinations.

  10. Rob .. my compliments on the P-47D .. truly a modelers',GREAT build ... LOVE
    the engine detail ... appears to be right from the factory .. all it NEEDS now is a pilot and ground crewman to help with the REALISTIC looking seat-belts ... good luck on finding "shelf" space for the bird !

  11. Beautiful, well thought out, with all the access panels in maintainence. Can you reveal how you high lighted the rivets on the wing tip? Great job!

    • Hi Mike. I tend not to dry brush metal detail whether in the cockpit or externally. Instead, I spray Alclad over the primer, and then after top coats are applied (but before sealing with varnishes), you can take a cotton bud (Q-Tip) lightly damped with thinners, and simply remove top paint back to 'metal' on raised detail or outside edges. This method works equally well with enamels or acrylics as standard thinners for either will not affect the lacquer base, and the result appears more of natural wear rather than modellling.

      • PS. I realise now I misread your query. As to highlighting individual rivets I used water-based ink, left it a few minutes and wiped off any excess with a lightly damped cotton bud.

  12. Beautiful work. The reason the kit was such an improvement over the (really poor) P-40 is that someone pantographed the Tamiya P-47 for basic design - a smart idea, since you should start with the best possible material.

  13. It's certainly impressive in every way, Rob. Why are they called 'jugs'?

  14. Rob,
    I wish I could add some adjective other than what has already been expressed. I can't, so all I will say is that you have done a marvelous job and I really like what you have done. This has to be one huge model.

    • Cheers Frank. It's on a par with the Revell 1/32 Ju-88, so pretty big for a single engine fighter model.

      I used to worry about taking it to shows, but it seems quite robust. I just plonk it on a piece of carpet in the car boot to keep it from moving around, and no problems so far (after three shows).

  15. said on January 3, 2014

    I have done some casting for ray on the kits with the missing sprue's along with the cockpit parts done in resin by Phill Edwards, so the next batch of models should be available early this year.

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