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Bernard Wylie
24 articles

AFV Club 1/35 Centurion Mk 5/1 “p***y Eater” C Squadron, 1st Armd Regt, RAAC, Vietnam 1971.

November 17, 2013 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.6K

This model was initially build as part of a club display for QMHE 2013, the club theme was "Conflict 1946 to Present". The kit is the RAAC and it was built with the addition of an Eduard Big-Ed set, paints are Vallejo with Tamiya acrylic, oil colour and pastel chalk weathering. The model won 1st place in the Riverside Scale Modellers September model of the month contest, which incidentally is the first time I've won anything for a model, I was quite pleased to say the least.

Post Script: The antenna's are made from acupuncture needles.

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2  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. I can see why it's a winner...very nice job, sir.

  2. It's obviously a good job, Bernard, I'm just tempted to ask where you got the acupuncture needles from...

  3. Bernard,,
    Very nice job on this. Great weathering.

  4. Realistic finish, very nice build.

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