Eduard 1/48 I-16 type 10, pilot- squadron leader S.I.Gritsevets (С.И.Грицевец), summer 1938
And another I-16, only now. - Air Force Republican Spain. On this machine flew a wonderful pilot Sergei Gritsevets. He fought in the skies of Spain and Mongolia, and was twice awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. More details can be found here-
Enjoy all, I hope)), look!
Another boringly-perfect Maxim Bylkin model.
That model is sooooo nice, it makes me think of pulling out my kit and having at it.
Promise - the next model will be a little brighter)))
What more can be said, yet another wonderful build from you Maxim.
Your builds are always top notch and nigh on flawless.
A very well done sir.
Don't know how you could do it any better. The overall finish is the best.
Yep...what they said. Nice.
Fantastic. Gotta do one myself.
You Sir, are the Rata-Master. Another great Polikarpov. And you photograph them so well, too. Let's see a type 5!
Oh no, waits type 5. I did sometime type 5, and yet do not want to do again. And still not done type 24;)
Wow, that is a spectacular I-16.
Beautiful finish. There is something about the I-16 that I like. Maybe the look of the small frame with large engine. I like the cowling that covers the front as well. Makes it look "meaner" I guess.
You've captured that scrappy, bulldog look of the aircraft, and the quality finishes are a bonus.
"Bulldog" - that 's the perfect word I was looking for to describe it, Rob!
That's right!
It is amazing what you have done with this kit. Outstanding craftsmanship.
Thanks to all colleagues, for your comments - they urge to action))!
It's a lovely model, Maxim, really good.
That's a beautiful model of one of my favorite planes! I hope to have one in my collection someday, posed beside a P-26 "Peashooter". Great work as usual Maxim!
P-26 - here is how time he will be next)))
Thank you again, сolleagues!
The I-16 is one of my many favorite Russian aircraft. You have done a beautiful job on this iconic airplane. I have a couple of the Eduard kits, and your model makes me think of trying one, if I won't be disappointed when I compare it to yours! Was Gritsevets a test pilot for MiG after The Great Patriotic War? I seem to remember his name in that context. So happy to see this model of yours. Thank you!
Test pilot on the MiG after WWII was Alexei Grinchik - you can it mean? He died in 1946 at the trials of the MiG-9.
Thanks, Maxim. I got the first 3 letters correct! Thanks again for showing your beautiful I-16. I love the Spanish Civil war colors.
Robert Bausch