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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Eduard’s Phantom seats

November 12, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 4 · 1.4K

These things just about did me in, my old eyes did not like all the tiny parts. They are not 100% accurate when comparing them to the pictures on the ejection site, and I am not sure if they are early or late MB Mk7s or a combination, but they look nice when done!

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2  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. Wow. It is things like this that remind me I am still a novice. That is impressive Rob.

  2. They may not be "accurate", but they sure look a lot better than the kit seats, don't they?

  3. Yes they are much better than the kit seats, and Richard it is mostly the magic of Eduard's pre-painted PE that gets the results!

  4. They look really good, Rob, looking forward to seeing the completed model.

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