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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles

1/48 Hasegawa Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc RAF WWII

December 31, 2013 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.7K

Spitfires and Typhoons Oh my! Since we are on the WWII RAF mode, I will toss in with the Mk.IIc, this is the original boxing from when it first appeared in the early 90's. One of those kits which did not go straight to the stash. Excellent kit to build, this era of WW II kits that Hasegawa produced in the late 80's and 90's of WWII subjects were just amazing. While the rave was the 48th new mold jets (Tomcats,Hornets and the F-16's) their prop planes were just as good and not so labor intensive. This was build straight from the box, only the decals are from Aeromaster sheet #48-194. The only drawback was not being able to open the canopy. It came as one piece. I am not of fan of vacuform canopies as the only attempt to ever try to use one was a disaster. And for some reason have not been able to learn how to cut open a one piece clear canopy. This is a night fighter version, operating in 1942 in Dark Sea Grey/Dark Green over Black. Paints used were Aeromaster Acrylics, built in the fall of 1993. Polly S flat clear was used as the final coat. I miss this paint very much. It dried very flat.

Fly Navy

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7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Nice build there Chuck.
    It looks the part, lightly painted so that one can see the surface detail.
    Well done.

    • First Happy New Year, thanks Simon I was quite satisfied in how toned down and faded the scheme became once I airbrushed the flat clear. It was not planned, just ended up that way.

      • Hi Chuck ,I was interested in the way the varnish toned down your paint, it is most noticeable on the prop and spinner, this is what happened on my Seafire build that I posted on this site only much worse , overall though a nice build ,we don't get enough Hurricanes on this site.

  2. Really nice, Chuck. I like the look of the fuselage on the Hurricane. It stands out on your model with your finishing and the way the letters and roundel nicely conform to the waves. Nicely weathered.

  3. Thanks Alan, Happy New Year, that is one great point on the kit is the detail, and when after painting the scheme and then the minor weathering to get the details to pop a bit. I will try to get some images of a bottom view, did not have any and will get those posted this evening.

  4. Chuck,
    Absolutely beautiful. The Hurricane has a great reputation and you have brought this airplane to life. I really like your scheme. I saw a Hurricane being restored a while back at the "Paul Garber Facility" in Maryland.It was like one great big stick model. Happy New Year.

    • Thank you Frank, at the Chino Air show that is held in May hoping that the Hurricane will appear this year. It's good to see it parked next to the Spitfires,,Mustangs, T-Bolts and of course an occasional Fw-190. Happy New Year

  5. Somehow the Hurricane looks more purposeful than the Spitfire, and you've managed to bring out that look in this model. Like the others have said, the finish really makes it. Happy New Year.

    • It looks tough like the P-47, maybe not as clean and elegant as the Spitfire, yet just as lethal. Thank you George. And as promised brought it down and added a few more images of the bottom.

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