F16CJ Block 50
This is the Tamiya 1:32 kit (Block 50), used in the second Gulf war I believe, and has been a work in progress for some time. This is also the first airplane I have built since I was a kid, and indeed a learning curve.
My original attempt was turned rather cloudy due to my naivety of assuming that Humbrol clear actually dried clear instead of 'milk'.
Then the next 'opportunity' occurred when I also assumed that Humbrol Decal fix actually fixed decals. However this was not the case. It actually wrinkles them up and bleaches your varnish!
However with the help and advice from you guys I got there in the end. Also I promised that I would give Gavin from emodels.com a mention for tracking down the replacement decals from Japan. Cheers for that mate! They are a great company to use and good for obtaining rather random items!
Apart from that kerfuffle the kit built very well. The fit of the main aircraft was flawless, not a gap in sight, and there is excellent attention to detail on Tamiya's behalf. It's not the cheapest one on the market, but you can definitely see why upon opening the box!
Mate you are a dark horse for sure, this is a fantastic job , I would be really proud to have that in my collection, having a quality kit to begin with certainly helps but none the less- Wow ! I can't wait to see your next build, what is it going to be by the way ?
Thanks very much mate! The next one is going to be a Yoshimura Hayabusa X1. I've already built the frame and engine, probably a few more weeks of work to do.
Wow, Richard, this looks really good, makes me want to get one. Your kitchen table must be full by now. I especially like the finish you've got on the engine, it looks really metallic. Megabusa next?
Thanks George, much appreciated. I've got some storage shelves up now so the kitchen table has been cleared. I've already made a start on the Busa!
Richard, you've certainly chosen a return-bout to modelling with (1) a big kit and (2) a jet with everything hanging out. These F-16s are nobody's friend, because of the high degree of change-up workmanship required, but you've done yourself proud, and your determination to push through various build-issues bodes well for the future.
Great effort.
Thank you very much Rob. I like the 1:32 scale for these reasons! It was a challenge and you can certainly do a lot of aftermarket work. Now I have started building in this scale I think I need to continue the collection in 1:32, just so it looks right! Cheers
Fantastic looking build, sir...an outstanding job all around. One thing has me puzzled, though - have I been misinformed all these years? I always thought the F-16 was produced by General Dynamics, not Lockheed-Martin.
Ohh yeah, Craig's right, no probs though you can easily edit your post.You were just testing us- right?
I thought that too, I'm looking at the Tamiya box now and it states Lockheed everywhere? I really don't know, what do you think? Have they made a mistake?
From what I have read, General Dynamics developed and produced the F-16, but in 1993 sold the aircraft production part of the corporation to Lockheed. So Tamiya is being correct legally in terms of who owns the name now and the later days of construction. Gotta love Wikipedia!
general dynamics is now lockheed martin...as alan said
Now that I did NOT know...no more General Dynamics?
The aircraft division. Still have land systems and other defence stuff. I think the M1 Abrams is GD or GD is involved?
You learn something new everyday! Cheers Craig, thanks for the compliments.
My side comment above to the side, I wanted to compliment you on the build. It had some bumps on the way, by the sound of it, but what a great result. I'm getting back into modelling too, but taking on a kit like that might have finished me off, and it certainly wouldn't look like that. Congratulations, and display it where the most people can see and admire it.
Cheers Alan, thanks very much. I think I was being a bit ambitious and the hurdles along the way certainly proved that. I would like to keep it on display in the front room but accidents happen at parties! Thanks though, much appreciated.
Hey Rich,Alan just beat me to it, I had a look ont tinterweb and yes General Dynamics is now part of Lockheed Martin so you are correct , Wikipedia strikes again.
I knew it was GD that made the F16 when I was a kid, but assumed that they must have been taken over by Lockheed. I quickly changed the title though just incase Tamiya had made an error!
Great job done there Richard, you are right about the kit. There is a lot of it in the box, I am still plucking up the courage to build it some day.
Some really great pics there too. Done yourself proud there.
Thanks very much Simon. It is a great kit, lots of different weapon combinations and different squadron options too! I just went with four AIM-120's and the HAARM's. I figured they looked the best! Cheers
magnificent build mate...as i said before you are incredible
Cheers Bob, thanks very much. I think my ability to hide all the mistakes through careful photography is better than my actual ability! Much appreciated though mate, thank you
Nice clean build, love the jet engine detail and cradle! I note the engine space is painted with zinc cromate yet the landing gear space is painted gray. I don't build modern aircraft, has the US military abandoned zinc cromate? Also the red "tag outs" on the weapons are a great touch...
Thanks very much Mike. The landing gear space is actually flat white, but I've weathered it with a dark earth. I'm not actually too sure on other aircraft. I'll have to build a load more and get back to you on that one! Cheers
You did a beautiful job on this. Absolutely stunning. You have to be very proud of what you have done here.
Thanks very much Frank. I am proud of it but also know that next time I can hopefully do better, a lot of mistakes were made and corrected. That is what it's all about though I suppose! Thanks for the compliments though, cheers.
Great work. First model as a grown-up? Don't look like it! Well done
Thanks Mark. It was indeed my return to modelling. Although I managed to complete three others in the time it took to get the replacement decals! Cheers
So, it really is like riding a bicycle!
Nice work. And for those who wonder, no, zinc chromate is far from gone. Richard got that very right.
Thanks Tom. It's been quite educational this! I just followed the instructions for the colour though, I'm no expert!
dude, this is a very impressive jet! very nice finish and i especially like the way the wheel wells came out. great work!
Cheers mate, thanks very much! I used Flory models dark dirt wash for the wheel wells.
This is outstanding, always want to do this kit as well, your build inspires me to get one hopefully soon! Cheers!
Thanks! That's a big compliment from someone with your level of skill! This was the first model I started building after about 20 years of absence from the hobby. Not the first one completed though due to a few setbacks along the way!