Newly Joined

December 25, 2013 · in Aviation · · 21 · 3K

Hello, newly joined. Have enjoyed visits to Cybermodeller and Modelling Madness. Attached some pics of an effort made by me with the ancient Douglas . Pretty much built out the box. The old Airfix kits generally build up into nice models after a bit of work I think. Thinning trailing edges is always a given that will need doing with these oldies. Airfix did however, seem to get the "look" of the aircraft right. The Boston is in 24 Sqn South African Air Force colours, North Africa. An interesting machine the Boston, apparently very nice to fly, great engines and basically a design ahead of it's time when it first came out in the late 30's? The USA did build the best radials during the war, the Brits held the high ground on the inline engine,s in my opinion.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Excellent work on a Airfix classic. One of the better releases, I like the painting,weathering and the craftsmanship. The weathering on the props and the exhaust staining are of note. My only niggle...more photo's please.

    Two thumbs up.

  2. A nice start James, an old Airfix kit.
    I cut my teeth on those kits back in the 70`s.
    They could be built into nice models as you have shown.
    Well done sir.

  3. Not my scale of choice, but you've done a nice job on this one. Welcome.

  4. Nice job, James, nothing wrong with 1/72 scale. Airfix was the started many people into this hobby, including me!

  5. Good job. An oldie but goodie!
    Has the right look, always liked the Boston/A20

  6. I was an Airfix kid, and built that kit years ago-yours is far superior.
    Welcome to the asylum.

  7. Welcome onboard at iModeler, Robert. Good to see that even old kits get completed. Thanks for sharing

  8. Thanks very much for all the kind words of welcome! Look forward to further discussions/posts. Busy with a Roden 1/48th scale DH9 Ambulance aircraft. The poor casualty was strapped down to the rear fuselage deck and then a "sarcophagus" type lid was lowered over the hapless patient. Can you imagine being flown, sick as a dog, in that, through the heat and turbulence of British Somalia airspace to Mogadishu hospital! If the malaria didn't get you, the DH9 "ambo" trip, surely would have! Fascinating modelling subject by Roden.

  9. James,

    Very impressive bio and also welcome aboard this site. It is a wonderful bunch of folks all with a common interest. It is a shame that someday we could not all gather together somewhere in the World to meet and hoist one to each other.

    Love the little Airfix. Like some of the others I built a ton of them early on. They were not the best then but Airfix is doing wonders now. I love the Havoc and really like the scheme you have here. Very nice job. I am doing a 1/48 havoc right now. Again, welcome.

  10. Welcome aboard! Sounds like you have some fun on your job. The Boston looks great, yep the A-20's are cool machines. I started on the old Revell, with that great mud-spotted desert boxart.

    • Cheers Bill. Yes it's one of the things I enjoy about modelling, it gives you a 3D look at an aircraft, from all angles. With the Boston, I enjoy looking at that straight leading edge and the marked taper to the trailing edge of the wing, never really noticed it as much looking at photos. Certainly gave the aircraft an aggressive look.

  11. Welcome, James! I am also new to iModeler! Nice Job on the Boston - looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  12. Hi James, nice job on the Boston. Airfix has and still does, interest a lot of people in our hobby. In addition to the usual subjects, they do many that no one else would touch, but still help to fill out our collections at a nomonal cost. You will see more than a few that I have listed, and more to go. Keep up the good work.

    • Thanks Joe, yes as I said with a bit of work, those old Airfix kits build up into very presentable models. I remember doing a De Haviland Heron once, and made a small diorama using Airfix RAF figures, The Heron looked really nice, once tidied up.

  13. very that desert blue...and you have a job we all envy

    • Cheers Bob, yes it is fun, but flying professionally and not for fun, still can have it's "job" moments! Doing an afternoon sortie of hovering, when the OAT is over 30 DegC...can have you sweating like that first inlaws meeting!

  14. Hi James. Welcome aboard. I am fairly new myself. As others have said, I like the Mediterranean camouflage pattern as well. The weathering adds nicely to the finished look. I am working on a 1969 Revell P-40E and am discovering some of the challenges of older kits too.

    • Thanks Alan. Not familiar with the Revell P40, but recently built the Revell Spitfire MkI a re issue of one of their oldest I understand. It has some glaring errors, chiefly the gull shape of the trailing edge belly area is missing! But I was amazed at the engraving quality and the overall shape of the model is generally spot on. Impressive for that age of kit. Have always applauded Revell for being pioneers in the 1/32 class with them issuing some awesome 1/32 subjects. I remember their 109G kit also had outstanding surface engraving for the day. I think if they re-issued their 1/32 Beaufighter with an update and an option to build later Mk's, they would have a winner there!

  15. Nice work. Now this is a kit that I could see them re-tooling to modern standards. Endless markings variations and boxings.

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