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Joe Caputo
154 articles

Aurora/Heller Prestige Series 1/72 Bucker Bu 133 "Jungmeister"

January 31, 2014 · in Aviation · · 13 · 3.3K

In 1933, the "Jungmeister" (Young Champion) 133 was the flegling Luftwaffe's primary trainer. As an export, it was flying in 20 different countries by 1937. It's still flying, in a modified form, aerobatics at todays airshows.

At 3 1/8th inches in length, and 3 1/2 inch wing span, this kit is one of the smallest bi-planes, or for that matter, any aircraft I've done. It was basically an easy build that went together easily, with decent results. With that short a wingspan, rigging was a snap. A little patience will yeild a nice looking , little model.

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13 responses

  1. Always good to see one of your models, Joe, and this is one in no exception. On my screen the photographs appear bigger than your model!

  2. Buillding a basic kit is always rewarding. Yours is a fine example Joe.

  3. Nice! Haven't seen one of these on imodeler till now. Is the rigging stretched sprue Joe? I've never had much success with that but would like to try it out as I've a Swordfish in the stash, which will need rigged.

    • Yes, Gregor, stretched sprue. I only use the conventional method, twirling over a candle, for thicker pieces. For rigging, I just snap a piece in two, light one end. Blow it out, and touch the unlit end to it, and pull gently. Measure and cut. I use Elmer's Gel to secure it. No muss or fuss. If a piece sags. (wait until the glue is dry then blow out a lit match, and quickly put the "hot" end under the sag. Practice a little. Simple and fun.

      • Not to piddle on your parade Gregor, but I do not think stretched sprue would work on your Swordfish. If I remember correctly, the Swordfish had flat rigging which looked more like ribbon than round wire. Of course, if you do not suffer from AMS like yours truely, then I guess stretched sprue would be fine.

        • No worries there Seamus! I'm always happy to be pointed in the right direction 🙂 . In 1/72 scale it might be difficult to tell the difference between wire and ribbon. My question would be how to model it?! What does AMS stand for by the way?

      • Thanks Joe. I'll have a go at it after some practice shots.

  4. Nice one Joe. Though I am not sure about the Young bit ?
    A petite kit and finely built.
    Well done Joe.

  5. Good looking bipe, Joe. Where do you get all those fabulous toys? 🙂

  6. At first glance I thought it was a Curtis SOC-3 "Seagull". A nice build of an unusual kit, Joe!

  7. love the stuff you come up with...i'd like to build a halberstadt

  8. Joe,
    Looks great for such a tiny little airplane. You did it justice. It would be nice to see this airplane in a decent larger scale.

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