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Jack Mugan
64 articles

Building The 48th Scale SKYSHARK Outside The Box

January 27, 2014 · in Aviation · · 23 · 2.9K

Years ago I built the old Allen kit of the in the dark blue scheme. I let a friend talk me out of it, so when I ran across the Dynavector 48th scale kit some time ago, I snapped it up as a replacement. The Dynavector kit is a multi-media kit featuring vacuform, resin and metal parts. Unlike the Allen kit, this kit comes with landing gear and underwing stores. This is the first vacuform kit I have ever built.

While surfing the net I ran across a SKYSHARK done in a SEA scheme, and I really liked it a lot. Most of my military aircraft are modeled after real aircraft with a history. Lately, I have seen some very interesting "What If" subjects and I must admit I found most to be real creative in their execution. Some are redesigned airframes, but many are just schemes not normally seen on the subject.

The SKYSHARK was supposed to be the next generation SKYRAIDER, but they ran into development problems and unfortunately, the jet age had arrived. So what you see here is what I think the SKYSHARK might have looked like if it had become operational.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

23 responses

  1. Very extremely cool.

  2. "Outside the box", indeed, Jack. Michelle would be very proud of your "gutsy" build. You nailed it!


  3. Can't be anything but impressed Jack. Gotta say those are some serious hardpoints on the wings.
    Very creative & well done.

  4. OUTSTANDING...! We may be seeing this again in a couple of weeks (wink, wink).

  5. Brilliant, Jack! Knocks it out of the park!

  6. Now that Is a plausible Whiffer and replacement for SPAD. The real thing could have come of age had it not be for the problems with gear boxes used for the props. Its ironic that the Brits pulled it off with Gannet.

    two thumbs up on the multimedia kit and the markings..

  7. Thanks for the kind remarks guys, I'm glad you liked it. This was a fun project.

  8. Jack,
    absolutely outstanding. I have this kit and ave not had the guts to do anymore than just look at it. You have done the almost impossible by actually completing it. You have combined this with a very popular scheme to make a very impressive model. My compliments for what you have done here.

  9. Frank, you should go ahead and start the kit. It is really well done for a vacuform and once the main parts are cut out, goes together much like a regular injection molded plastic kit. I have started several vacuform kits over the years but never finished one due to problems I either encountered or caused. I was motivated to start this build by doing something other than the blue or natural metal schemes. I was pleasantly surprised on how easy it went together.

    • Jack,
      OK, you have me looking at it again. It may take a while to get into it but I think you have roused me to attempt it. If I go crazy (crazier)
      please visit me in the Funny Farm.

  10. Great looking plane Jack. I have never seen one of those before but I can see where they were going on the design aspect of it.
    Well done Jack

  11. Nice clean build. I enjoy looking at any aircraft with counter-rotating props, this is a great example.

  12. now that's unique...nice job

  13. excellent ! I love it !

  14. That color scheme is tailor made for the Skyshark. You've done an absolutely beautiful job. I love it!

  15. It's definitely a great looking model, Jack, real or not.

  16. Jack you got robbed on Saturday! I thought you were a first place in category, or possibly even Best Aircraft. I will gladly surrender my Silver Medal to you.

    At the very least, it was my personal choice of Best Model of one of my favorite planes.

    • Thanks for the kind remarks Mike. Hey, it's a model contest and though it's nice to win a medal or trophy, that's not what's important to me. I go to see what others are doing, and to meet up with fellow modelers that I only see at these gatherings. So no, I did not get robbed, because I just had a really great time.

  17. Wow, never saw this one when you published this article! Stunningly cool take on the Skyshark! Looks like a Skyraider but when checking all details I realize there can´t have been much left of the original aircraft?

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