3 articles · 311 karma · 3 friends · active 10 years, 1 month ago

Animal Scientist and Environmental Analyst by profession, and modeler by passion .
Since my 8 years old I build airplane models of WWII . Nowadays I usually build airplane models in 1/48 and some models in 1/32 scale.

What can you do in four days?

The answer is... A T-45 Goshawk in 1/48 scale. Instead of enjoy the carnival in Brasil, I decided to stay at home (much more safe) and finish my client´s request for another Marines training bird. The Kinetic 1/48 scale Goshawk. Just like [...]

The T-2C Buckeye. SpecialHobby 1/48

The Specialhobby T-2C is one of the toughest models I have ever built. A lot of attention to aligment of the parts e dryfitings is required before you start this one. This is a multi media kit that brings injected parts with finely [...]

SBD-4 Dauntless Hasegawa 1/48

The Hasegawa Dauntless model has been blamed to have a lower quality than the Dauntless series produced by Accurate Miniatures. The last one are still avaiable under the Italeri and Academy brands. With all the issues about the accuracy [...]